Thai gangster film stars Krissada Sukosol Clapp as Jod, a hotshot gangster who terrorises Bangkok in the 1950s. His pal is Daeng (Somchai Khemglad), and they have to wage war for territory and loyalty against other young guns and Chinese triads that rule the city.
DramaCool is the best site to watch Gangster English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Indian drama on DramaCool website.
Thai gangster film stars Krissada Sukosol Clapp as Jod, a hotshot gangster who terrorises Bangkok in the 1950s. His pal is Daeng (Somchai Khemglad), and they have to wage war for territory and loyalty against other young guns and Chinese triads that rule the city.
DramaCool is the best site to watch Gangster English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Indian drama on DramaCool website.