Hoshi Hitotsu no Yoru
The story unfolds as Hiroji Nonoyama,a loner staff of a janitorial services, finds a coat with 500,000 yen in a concert hall. He eventually finds the owner of the coat and they become friends. As they get to know each other, Nonoyama reveals why he became the person like he is now.
DramaCool is the best site to watch Hoshi Hitotsu no Yoru English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Japanese drama on DramaCool website.
The story unfolds as Hiroji Nonoyama,a loner staff of a janitorial services, finds a coat with 500,000 yen in a concert hall. He eventually finds the owner of the coat and they become friends. As they get to know each other, Nonoyama reveals why he became the person like he is now.
Other names:星ひとつの夜|星ひとつの夜
DramaCool is the best site to watch Hoshi Hitotsu no Yoru English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Japanese drama on DramaCool website.