The world of Dahuang was once divided into three kingdoms: Xiyan, Chenrong, and Haoling. Xiyan and Chenrong were at war, and General Chi Chen led the forces of Chenrong. At the last minute, the daughter of Xiyan’s Emperor was called on to lead Xiyan’s forces as the General Princess. She defeated General Chi Chen at the cost of her own life, and succeeded in turning the tide of the war. Chenrong lost its momentum and was conquered by Xiyan. Before her death, the General Princess had two children in her care: her daughter nicknamed Xiao Yao, and her nephew Cang Xuan. After her death, Xiao Yao and Cang Xuan were left alone with no one to rely on except each other. But Xiao Yao was sent to Jade Mountain, and the two were separated. Xiao Yao endures many hardships, but 300 years later she has changed her gender and appearance, and is running a small clinic under the name Wen Xiao Liu. This doctor, his servant, a wine-maker, and a demon military advisor cross paths in Qingshui Town. In this town outside of Xiyan Kingdom and Haoling Kingdom’s control, these meetings will change the future of all of Dahuang. (Source:; edited by AH at MyDramaList) ~~ Adapted from the 3rd book in the novel series "The Book of Mountain and Sea" (山经海纪) by Tong Hua (桐华).
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