Sa Yug Shin
The drama is based on the historical background of King Sejo (1455-68) and the six loyal subjects, known as "sayuksin." The story tells the tale of six royal officals of the court who try to help restore Danjong of Joseon to power and fight against the coup led by Sejo of Joseon. It is a story of six loyalists who were killed in an attempt to restore the dethroned King Danjong after the notoriously brutal King Sejo seized power.
DramaCool is the best site to watch Sa Yug Shin English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Korean drama on DramaCool website.
The drama is based on the historical background of King Sejo (1455-68) and the six loyal subjects, known as "sayuksin." The story tells the tale of six royal officals of the court who try to help restore Danjong of Joseon to power and fight against the coup led by Sejo of Joseon. It is a story of six loyalists who were killed in an attempt to restore the dethroned King Danjong after the notoriously brutal King Sejo seized power.
DramaCool is the best site to watch Sa Yug Shin English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Korean drama on DramaCool website.