Tarap is a 2020 Pakistani drama television series, premiered on Hum TV on 29 March 2020. It is produced by Babar Javed and MD Productions and directed by Misbah Syed. It features Syed Jibran Hiba Qadir in lead roles. The supporting cast include Baber Ali, Waseem Abbas, Nausheen Shah and Saleem Mairaj. Tarap is a story of hardship, sacrifice, and love which shapes the characters and plot. The drama initially aired every Sunday at 9:10pm, then in Ramadan aired every Saturday and Sunday night at 9:10PM, resuming back to one day normally.
DramaCool is the best site to watch Tarap English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Other Asia drama on DramaCool website.
Tarap is a 2020 Pakistani drama television series, premiered on Hum TV on 29 March 2020. It is produced by Babar Javed and MD Productions and directed by Misbah Syed. It features Syed Jibran Hiba Qadir in lead roles. The supporting cast include Baber Ali, Waseem Abbas, Nausheen Shah and Saleem Mairaj. Tarap is a story of hardship, sacrifice, and love which shapes the characters and plot. The drama initially aired every Sunday at 9:10pm, then in Ramadan aired every Saturday and Sunday night at 9:10PM, resuming back to one day normally.
Other names:تڑپ
Director:Misbah Syed
Country:Other Asia
DramaCool is the best site to watch Tarap English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Other Asia drama on DramaCool website.