Uta no Onii-san
The story revolves around an unconventional children's show called "Minna de Utao!" Kenta is a young musician whose band breaks up and who gets dumped by his girlfriend. To top it off, his own family labels him as useless. Unexpectedly, he becomes an "uta no oniisan," a singing character on the children's show.
DramaCool is the best site to watch Uta no Onii-san English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Japanese drama on DramaCool website.
The story revolves around an unconventional children's show called "Minna de Utao!" Kenta is a young musician whose band breaks up and who gets dumped by his girlfriend. To top it off, his own family labels him as useless. Unexpectedly, he becomes an "uta no oniisan," a singing character on the children's show.
Other names:Sing Along Boy 歌のおにいさん
DramaCool is the best site to watch Uta no Onii-san English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Japanese drama on DramaCool website.