Seo Jun, a young pianist from an underprivileged background, manages to study classical piano with the aid of a scholarship with the help of renowned pianist Eun Jung Son. His goal is to win an international competition but he is repeatedly defeated by his rival, Min Jae. After failing to win, out of frustration, he vandalizes in the waiting room. Ji Soo witnesses his misdemeanor and blackmails him to manipulate him. Seo Jun and Ji Soo develop a romantic relationship and he finds out that she plays jazz piano. He became passionate about jazz piano as well, performing in jazz clubs, and distracted from classical piano. Eun Jung discovers his behavior and disapproves of it, and thus considers cutting the scholarship off him. Seo Jun gets one last chance to compete in a competition before his military enlistment but learns that Min Jae is also participating. Can Seo Jun prove his worth and forge his path as a pianist? (Source: Release date: Sep 2024 (Festival)
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