
The stories revolve around the lives of three childhood friends: An overseas returnee who falls in love with the young wife of an ambitious politician, a university lecturer who's searching for the truth about his late father and a handsome hair stylist whose latest conquest is a rich, middle-aged divorcee.
DramaCool is the best site to watch Enthralled English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Hong Kong drama on DramaCool website.
The stories revolve around the lives of three childhood friends: An overseas returnee who falls in love with the young wife of an ambitious politician, a university lecturer who's searching for the truth about his late father and a handsome hair stylist whose latest conquest is a rich, middle-aged divorcee.
Country:Hong Kong
DramaCool is the best site to watch Enthralled English Subbed online in HD quality. You can also find Hong Kong drama on DramaCool website.